SPANSH 147: Decolonial Views, Decolonial Practices: Indigeneity and Protest in Latin America and the Caribbean





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The resignation of Ricardo Rosselló—former governor of Puerto Rico— in 2019 was in due in part, but not exclusively, to the Colectivo Feminista en Construcción and its tactics of Black feminist decolonial methodologies. This course investigates the ruptures and interruptions of decoloniality, as theory and as praxis, deployed by non-indigenous and indigenous peoples. We aim to understand the nuances and problematizations that contour the decolonial from and within; that is, what other modalities of living persist and permeate within indigenous and afro-indigenous communities and what forms of critique emanate fromindigenous territories and subjectivities. The latter has the potentiality to become protest and revolt, against colonialism and new forms of coloniality, as seen in the Puerto Rican decolonial gestures against oppression and debt. This course moves within indigenous community-making and thought production and through its waves of change that mobilize acts of contestation. From the Colectiva Feminista en Construcción’s decolonial methodology, the Zapatista movement, the Oaxaca Commune, the Bolivian collective Mujeres Creando, to indigenous revolts in Venezuela and protests in Colombia, this course unpacks the relationship between aesthetic practices—indigenous video, art, and literary production—, (non)indigenous thought, like of Cusicanqui and Maldonado-Torres, and practices of decoloniality found in the everyday and in momentum of the multitudes.